Wednesday 24 May 2023

A quick shopping trip

It's been another quiet Wednesday but at least Keith and I ventured out this morning to Riverside... exciting! We bought another tonne of bird food, which will probably last a couple of days, and I needed to get some toiletries in Boots.

It's been warm and sunny today, and the forthcoming Bank Holiday weekend forecast is looking good for once! Typical that I'm working, and the last three day weekend was cloudy and chilly! Oh well!

Back home we decided to make the most of the sunny weather and sat out in the garden for a while and chatted. It was quiet! Bliss! The birds were flitting about again and we filled the feeders with fat snax, but they were too timid to land on the grass to eat. We find that the bigger the bird, the more flighty they are, with the magpies and Rooky flapping off in a panic if we go anywhere near them!

Keith persuaded me to open one of the Alsace beers we'd bought back with us and it was delicious. I didn't get quite the same feeling as I had when I was sipping it in a sunny restaurant in Colmar, but it was lovely all the same!

Dinner this evening was pork steaks coated in breadcrumbs, served with broccoli and cauliflower cheese and roasted new potatoes. I cooked this evening, and although it was definitely not Masterchef standard, it was delicious all the same!

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