Friday 26 May 2023

It's Friday, yeah!

We had a lovely, very quiet shift today as Sara and Nicola were on holiday, and Sheila left at 12pm to go to another centre. It was bliss! I managed to get a lot done, including all the emails, another film input and some of the playscheme places for the summer.

Keith didn't go to the pub tonight, as his mate John was in Aldeburgh, so he cooked dinner while Sophie and I sampled a bottle of English wine and watched the last episode of the first series of Race Across the World. The English wine was fine (Keith had bought it by mistake and it was £10) and was very elderflowerish, and a bit tart for my liking. We asked him not to buy it again but it was drinkable. I am not  a fan of English wines, I'm afraid. We just don't get enough sunshine and warmth to fully ripen the grapes, but I know that our sparkling wines are very good and have even beaten Champagne! They are a bit expensive, though!

After dinner we watched Top of the Pops from 1982 and that certainly brought back some memories! Sophie envied me growing up in the 80s, and I have to say the music was very good!

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