Thursday 12 May 2022

Time flies!

I had a busy, shorter shift today and managed to get a lot done. Tracie was working with us, and as well as helping out in the contact centre, she runs a pub in Wellingborough with her husband. They've just won the CAMRA pub of the year and I keep meaning to go over and visit with Keith. As I left, Sara suggested we all go over as a group from work, which I thought was a great idea!

The rest of the afternoon sped by... I don't know where the time goes on a Thursday! I finish at 2pm but it seems like only minutes before it's 5pm and Sophie's leaving work!

Keith and I had planned to go and see Operation Mincemeat at the cinema this evening, but we both decided it was too much hassle to try and do dinner before 6pm, eat it and then leave in good time to get there. I wish our cinema showed films a little later in the evening, like before, but I don't think that's going to change any time soon. Life as we used to know it has well and truly gone, which is a shame. I would love to go back to the hours I used to work!

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