Saturday 7 May 2022

A Saturday spent pottering!

It's been a lovely day just pottering about and getting some jobs done. Keith had an appointment at Guilsborough surgery for his Spring booster covid jab so we drove over, and he was so quick he was in and out before his allotted time!

We called into the ultra-busy Co-op in Brixworth to buy a bag of nachos to go with the leftover chilli for lunch. The place was packed with people calling in to get essentials!

At home, we pottered about and Sophie did loads of prep for tonight's dinner of salmon in an orange crumb, and the Thai green curry we're having tomorrow. All she has to do tonight is put everything in the oven to cook!

It's been beautiful weather today with a mix of sunshine and a few clouds popping up. Keith had cut the lawn on Friday so there was nothing to do in the back garden except watch the birds constantly eating! It's the height of baby bird season but we haven't seen any fat babies yet, although we have a constant presence of blackbirds, sparrows, starlings and a robin visiting. 

In the afternoon, Sophie and I applied a face mask, and my lovely daughter also painted my toenails for me. It was heaven to lie on the bed in the cool and be pampered!

Before dinner, we played Scrabble and Sophie beat me... Hmmm! She seems to be doing this a lot lately! We have certainly got our money's worth from this game!

Dinner was effortless and delicious and it's a meal we'll definitely make again. We don't eat a lot of fish as a family so maybe we'll look out some fishy recipes to try in the future!

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