Sunday 29 May 2022

Just pootlin'...

After the enjoyment of yesterday, today was much quieter and more restrained! It was a Sunday spent pootling about and doing various jobs. Keith and I tackled the garden and, while I mowed the lawn, Keith cut back some of the shrubs lining the fence so they looked a lot neater. 

While we were working we took up all the bird food, but a blackbird was obviously desperate for some grub and flew down as we were finishing. I put some fat snax down and he was straight back to peck away at it. We just can't keep up with the birds at the moment! It must be peak baby bird season! We have the usual flocks of starlings visiting as well as a huge Rook, Jackdaws and smaller birds such as sparrows and robins.

Sophie was busy putting some things on eBay and I sorted out some clothes I didn't want anymore. We are trying to get £100 in our PayPal account before July to pay for lunch in London!

It was lovely to potter about and not have to go anywhere today and it helped that the weather was lovely and sunny, albeit a bit colder than of late. In the evening we played Scrabble and Sophie narrowly beat me! We enjoyed Martinis and then a glass of wine with our dinner of chicken and dumplings. 

Sunday night has come around very quickly again but at least Sophie and I are facing a shorter week!

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