Wednesday 18 May 2022

Spring clean!

Today has been spent giving the house a deep clean, and it was long overdue! Sophie very kindly hoovers for me at the weekends (she insists on doing it) so I was lulled into a false sense of security. However, the march of the spiders has begun, and the cobwebs were hanging like lace from the ceilings and, specifically, on the mirror on the landing. Keith said it looked like Spanish Moss...

I started upstairs and scrubbed the grouting in the bathroom with bleach and let it soak in. Keith cleaned the windows in the bathroom, Sophie's bedroom, the spare room, and the kitchen. I vacuumed all the skirting boards, the ceilings, the light shade on the landing and moved furniture about. We changed the bedding in the spare room and made sure it was lovely and clean as Mike said he would be home this evening. I also changed the bedding in our room and washed the mattress protector and the under-sheet. If something didn't move, it got washed!

It took us until almost 5pm to get everything done, upstairs and downstairs, and the house gleamed when we'd finished, and smelled lovely and fresh as I'd opened all the windows. I ached everywhere but it was great to know it was lovely and clean. 

I had suggested going out for a meal this evening as Mike was coming home, but he texted me to say that the brakes on Abbie's car were dangerous and that they had to delay the journey. I had already told Sophie we were going out but we'd changed our mind now because of his plans, and we cooked pork in a peanut sauce with noodles instead. Well, Sophie did... Keith and I sat at the kitchen island with a drink and did the menu and list for the weekly shop!

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