Tuesday 11 January 2022

Misty morning

The weather was truly awful this morning with a constant drizzle that made driving difficult. It was so dark and horrible I felt really fed up. Surely there must be more to life than this!

At work, I spent my two admin hours putting on the playscheme places for the February half-term, making sure the prices were correct and then testing them before I let them go live. We had an enquiry yesterday about booking, so at least parents can get organised now!

It was extremely noisy in the office all day as four of us were on the phones, and there were other staff members in as well. Nicola has returned from a long Christmas break, and took great delight in catching up with all our news yesterday and today!

It was heaven to escape at 4pm and have a peaceful drive home. Was I mistaken or was it a little bit lighter this evening? Let's hope so!

Sophie had had a stressful day as someone in her office had sent out an email, that was intended for just one person, to five thousand... Oh, dear! The phones hadn't stopped ringing with people calling to ask if it was a mistake... erm, yes! As well as that, there was a traffic jam on her way home, that forced her to take another route so she was in a right foulie when she arrived home. We made her a stiff drink!

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