Tuesday 18 January 2022

Irritating noises...

I didn't have the best night's sleep so felt groggy and tired when Sophie woke me this morning. I am getting to hate waking up so early. Before the pandemic, when I worked 8am until 2pm it was somehow manageable, and I wonder how Sara and Sheila do it every day? I am a wimp!

Luckily, I wasn't held up by anything today, and as I drove to work I witnessed the most beautiful sunrise. Wispy mist hung over the hedgerows and the sky was a gorgeous pink colour from the sun. It was freezing cold with a heavy frost on the fields and trees, and I wished I could have stopped and taken photos. The good thing is the mornings are getting a little lighter, as are the evenings. It won't be long now!

Work was busy, and very noisy again, and the high-pitched whine was still with us. Nicola came back today and said she felt ill, which was slightly alarming seeing as her daughter has tested positive for covid! She made sure she stayed in her office!

I worked on cancellation emails all day - we are getting a fair few at the moment, and I think that although some people make a resolution to get fit in the new year, another group of people make a decision to look at their finances and reduce their monthly payments as well! I'm not sure the joiners outweigh the leavers!

I couldn't wait to get out at 4pm and drive home. The previous sunny weather had given way to thick clouds so no beautifully lit-up moon like we had yesterday on the drive home!

Keith and I played cards in the evening with a drink and then it was a spicy chilli for dinner. Delicious!

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