Tuesday 30 July 2019

Not the best of days!

Today didn't start out well as I had a huge argument with Mike. We start waking him up at 6am and this morning he was still in bed at 6.50am...and we leave at 7! I shouted at him to get up, so we didn't have the best of journeys into work. I am totally fed up with his attitude in the mornings and it's hard work, to be honest. The person I feel most sorry for is Keith as he really shouldn't be getting up early at all!

Work was busy again, but we had slightly fewer phone calls than yesterday which enabled me to do most of the box office returns. It still annoys me that a lot of our phone calls are to do with information that is readily available on our website!

At 2pm Keith picked me up and we headed down to Riverside where we enjoyed a coffee in Costa (along with a sausage roll each!). I hadn't even had time to go to the loo at work so it was lovely to sit and relax for a while!

After popping into Boots and JD Sports (Keith wanted some shorts) we drove to get Mike in the pouring rain. This morning the sun shone out of a beautiful blue sky, but it has steadily got worse over the course of the day and it was really lashing it down when we went to get our son. He came out a bit early so we were home at just after 3.30pm!

When Sophie came home I happened to notice a message on our answerphone and it was from Sophie's insurance company, regarding the very minor prang she'd had last Friday. She hadn't heard from the other woman which we thought was strange but it looks like she had gone straight to Sophie's insurer and was now claiming whiplash injury. This was laughable as there was hardly a scratch on Sophie's car and even less on hers and Sophie must have been travelling at about 2 miles an hour when she hit the other car. Sophie had a long conversation on the phone and was assured that everything would be OK and she was asked to take photos of her car and to send them off. It goes without saying that they are contesting the claim.

Sophie was very upset by all of this, as were Keith and I and it's just another little niggle in a long line of problems. We all felt fed up. To try and cheer Sophie up I made her an Old Fashioned and we sat and played cards while our chilli con carne cooked. Over dinner, Mike made funny videos of us so Sophie was laughing by the end of the meal, thank goodness!

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