Tuesday 9 July 2019

"Beyond repair"...

I took Mike to work today and he was back down at the Far Cotton park. I dashed off to work and had a  busy day working with Joanne. Sara wasn't in today but we coped very well and I think we've got the hang of the cancellation process now. It'll just be interesting to see how things work out when the school holidays start!

Mike was off to see a friend after work so I didn't have to go and get him! What a relief! I sped home to find out that the repair man had been but the fridge was "beyond economic repair". Great... We'd inherited it from my parents a few years ago when they moved and they'd had it a while so I suppose it had lasted well. Keith and I went onto the Appliances Online website and we've ordered another - just a large fridge this time as we never really used the freezer compartment. It will be delivered on Saturday so we'll have to move all the perishable stuff into the kitchen fridge until then. I drooled over the American fridges but they were well over £1000 so we'll have to leave those for another day! Perhaps if we get our kitchen refurbished!

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