Monday 15 July 2019

Gift hunting!

Today there were three of us manning the phones at work so it wasn't quite so frantic, thank goodness! Keith picked me up at 2pm and after getting dinner for tonight and tomorrow in Tesco, we went to Homebase to try and get some inspiration for a gift for my Mum and Dad's Wedding Anniversary tomorrow. They'll be celebrating 53 years together!

I looked at the plants and considered getting them a vine but in the end I decided to go to Beckworth tomorrow and buy them a voucher for afternoon tea as they love going there. We picked up Mike from Abington and then sped home to catch up with all the usual jobs that have to be done after work!

Sophie and I cooked dinner tonight and made spaghetti bolognese with our own garlic bread. Keith sat with us as we cooked and there was a lovely atmosphere in the kitchen. I think at one point Sophie and I were dancing around and singing!

After dinner I saw the news about several lambs being slaughtered very close to us which was terrible news and very disturbing. This sort of thing happens rarely but it must have been tragic for the farmers to find their animals killed like that. It's been happening overnight and I really felt like going out and trying to keep watch for whoever is doing this terrible act. The police are asking us all to be vigilant and I really hope they're caught soon!

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