Tuesday 23 July 2019

Another graduation ceremony!

Sophie was off to her friend Alice's graduation ceremony today so I took Mike to work and Keith drove her into town, picking up Sophia on the way. It's been another very hot day and I really felt for everyone dressed up in the graduation robes! It was the same for us last year!

Work was busy and I stayed until about 2.45pm as another lot of staff visited our other centre. It became a bit manic while they were gone, so that was typical!

I picked up Mike from work and just after getting home Sophie called to ask me to pick her and Sophia up again. Keith and I drove down and the girls had had a great time - Sophie said it was lovely that she was able to enjoy the ceremony but there was no pressure on her!

The temperature was about 30c today but it's due to get VERY hot on Thursday so that's something to not look forward to! Keith and I enjoyed quiche, salad and new potatoes for dinner and for once we didn't heat the quiche up beforehand...it was too hot!

Tomorrow Keith and I have decided to go for a mooch in the countryside. We didn't have any plans and I certainly don't fancy spending the day doing housework!

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