Friday 26 July 2019

A little prang...

Today, the temperatures went down a bit but it was still warm and muggy. We also had a fair amount of rain which we really need!

Work passed pleasantly enough and at 2pm I left work and received a text from Sophie to say she was leaving Riverside at the same time. However, as I was driving to collect Mike she called to say she'd had a prang on the roundabout and had hit the car in front of her... I offered to go down and see her, but she had Laura with her and was going back to work. She said the damage wasn't bad but I think she was a bit shaken up, poor thing.

I went to get a newspaper and waited for Mike to come out of work. He was hot and sweaty and as soon as we got home I made him put all of his clothes into the washing machine. His baseball cap did not smell good!

Sophie sent me photos of ET and the damage didn't look as bad as I'd imagined, thank goodness. As soon as she returned home Keith and I went to have a look and I think we'll be able to push the front bumper back in. She was thoroughly fed up and said she'd texted the woman whose car she'd hit but that she hadn't replied. The woman had a child in the car with her and had taken photos of both vehicles so we'll just have to wait and see what happens. I don't think it's worth getting Sophie's car seen to as there's only a few scratches.

We opened a bottle of wine and relaxed while Keith went off to the pub in Sophie's car. He's not drinking again so it was great for us not to have to go out and get him. Dinner tonight was jacket potatoes and then it was an early night. We were all shattered!

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