Monday 22 July 2019

1970s timewarp!

Work wasn't too bad today and the phone calls were shared out by the three of us, which helped. At 2pm I went down to one of our other leisure centres with Chloe and Sara as we are going to be booking the function rooms out in August and we needed to know what the place looked like.

The gym itself had been refurbished but the function rooms themselves were awful. They were badly in need of modernisation and decoration and looked like they were stuck in a 1970s timewarp. One flight of stairs reminded me of the hotel in The Shining! We all shuddered when we walked around the two rooms and we were amazed that people wanted to book a function there!

We got back to work at 3pm and Keith came to collect me. Today has been hot and it's set to get hotter late in the week with temperatures up to about 34-35c! Sophie had been to the dentist this morning as she has an infection in her wisdom tooth which came at a bad time as she's off out for a meal with Alice tonight and then going to her graduation tomorrow.

We took her into town at 6.30pm and picked up her friend Sophia on the way. They were eating at The Lamplighter with Alice, her mum and her boyfriend. Keith and I went home to watch some of the evening racing on television and have a light dinner of prawn salad. It was too hot to think about cooking a big meal in the kitchen!

Luckily Sophie called and wanted to be picked up at about 9.45pm so we weren't too late. We dropped Sophia off and returned home to set up the fan in the bedroom so we could sleep a little more

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