Saturday 2 February 2019

Lazy Saturday!

We had a lovely, lazy start to the day and Sophie went off to the gym for a quick workout. It was a cold and frosty morning with the very slightest dusting of snow on the ground.

While she was out I prepared the vegetables for the evening's dinner and pottered about doing chores. Keith has refused to use our hoover so I went online and looked on Amazon for a new one. I have always used cylinder hoovers at home but this time we've gone for a Shark upright vacuum and it doesn't have a bag! We are moving with the times! It had great reviews so I ordered it and it should hopefully be with us by early next week.

None of us felt like going anywhere today so it was lovely to stay indoors. I briefly toyed with the idea of washing the car but it was freezing cold outside so I thought I would leave it to a warmer day!

Sophie and I did go for a walk around the estate, though, and did three laps which equates (apparently) to a mile. Monty refused to accompany us, which was a shame, but we had a good natter and made sure we wrapped up warm against the biting wind.

When we came back in I made us a small Whisky Mac (it's becoming a naughty tradition to have a wee cocktail) and we relaxed until it was time to cook dinner. Tonight it was spaghetti bolognese and it was very similar to how we make a meaty one - I put all the veggies into a casserole dish and cooked them before adding lentils and tinned tomatoes, herbs and stock.

I thought the dish was delicious but Keith was not impressed at all. I think he is finding this whole vegan idea very hard but I don't think the "cheese" we used helped very much as it had a strange smell!

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