Friday 15 February 2019

An hour wasted!

Work was a little less stressful today, thank goodness but the time still sped by very quickly and it was great to get out at 2pm and head home to the mess that is our house at the moment! On the way I tried to get my filthy car washed but the machines weren't working at the two garages I went to. It's been another gorgeous day today and I won't have time over the weekend to get out and clean it, but it'll have to stay dirty! I became caught up in a traffic jam on the way home so didn't arrive until 3pm and felt like I'd really wasted an hour!

Keith had finished emulsioning the walls and had made a start on the cloakroom but I said I would do it tomorrow. It's a very cramped space and his back is hurting him at the moment, probably because of all the stretching he's been doing! I think we are all heartily fed up with the carpet-less floors now and having to come down the stairs very carefully so we don't step on the gripper rods! Next week can't come soon enough!

Dinner tonight was quiche - a vegetarian one (broccoli) and a ham and cheese one, served with roasted potatoes and vegetables. It was great to relax after dinner, but tomorrow the decorating starts again!

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