Saturday 23 February 2019

Back to normal!

We didn't have the greatest start to the weekend when Mike called us this morning at about 7.30am to ask us to pick him up from Moulton. I didn't even know he'd gone out! I was trying to have a lie-in and ignored what I thought was a Facebook notification on my phone but it was Mike sending me a message! Eventually he rang on the house phone which woke Sophie up, who was not very happy!

We went to get him through the fog and he was in a vile mood, probably because he'd had no sleep and said he'd been abandoned in town by his mates...Once home he disappeared into his bedroom, which was probably the best place for him, and out of our sight!

The fog lifted to reveal an absolutely gorgeous day with the most wonderful clear blue skies and warm sunshine. We were treated to a real taste of how beautiful Spring can be in this country. After breakfast Sophie and I went to the tip to get rid of some stuff we no longer wanted and I also filled a large bag with items destined for the charity shop.

Back home I tackled my filthy car and it took three washes to get it clean. We've been so busy with decorating that I haven't had time to do it and the attempts to take it through a car wash have been very unsuccessful!

The rest of the morning was spent decluttering the conservatory and putting all of our glasses back into the cabinet. There was still some stuff we didn't know what to do with (blank CDs and DVDs) but I'm sure we'll find a home for them! I put down a Turkish rug we bought decades ago and we were thrilled with how tidy everything was! We're back to normal!

Sophie prepped all the vegetables for dinner and then it was time to finally sit down and relax! We watched Masterchef and an episode of Modern Family and I went upstairs to have a soak in the bath. Keith had gone to see Sileby play and Mike had finally made an appearance and apologised for his bad behaviour. I should think so, too!

Dinner tonight was Quorn spaghetti bolognese and I've come to realise I don't like Quorn at all. The texture is flabby, there was no taste to it and I heartily missed a good beef mince!

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