Monday 17 September 2018

Thwarted plans!

I took myself off to work this morning in Sophie's car as Keith had to take her over to Thrapston for 10am, as she was off to a prison in Thetford with her manager for an event promoting the services
their business has to offer. They are an awarding body for adult education and have just started a contract with the Ministry of Justice to educate prisoners so they have a chance of work when they finish their sentence. Sophie is enjoying the work very much and a fair amount of her duties will include travel to prisons all over the country!

Work, for me, was quiet at first and then it became a little busier around lunchtime. I left at 2pm and went to pick up Mike who was twenty minutes late coming out. I didn't mind, though, as I was quite happy sitting in the car and reading. Bliss!

At home I decided to give Sophie's car a good wash, inside and out, as the weather was glorious. This morning had been grey (and dark) on the way to work, but the afternoon was sunny, warm and dry. As always it was a good chance to gossip with the neighbours and we had a long chat with Sue. I also took a call from Lisa (after-school club) about the new women who were doing the job (not very well, one had left already) and spoke to my Mum, so progress on the car was rather slow! I hoovered and cleaned the car inside while Keith checked the oil and filled up the washer bottle.

The plan had been to go to a nearby pub on the way home from fetching Sophie but she was caught in terrible traffic near Cambridge so that idea went out of the window. She eventually arrived back at her manager's house at 7pm so far too late to go and have a drink as we were all hungry and wanted dinner.

By the time we got home it was 7.30pm so I shallow fried the potatoes we'd prepared and we put two pizzas in the oven. With salad it was a lovely meal and only took twenty minutes to cook!

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