Saturday 15 September 2018

Somewhat disappointed...

Sophie and I both felt a little bleary this morning but we were up and out by 8.30am and heading to Duston. I still hadn't had any confirmation that a table was booked for us in the community centre and had had weird dreams all night of being hidden away in the building so nobody could buy anything of ours!

However, my fears were allayed when we arrived and saw a table with our name on it. Phew! They were very close together, though, and we had real difficulty getting all of our stuff arranged. We gave up on the clothes rail as I was worried it would collapse, so we hung the clothes from boxes that we'd placed on the table.

I'd asked Mum along but had said she'd needed to get a lift with Dad as my car was full up! They called to say they couldn't find their way even though they had an in-built SatNav in their car! I'd just sent the Google map directions to my phone, but the community centre was tucked away a bit, so it was quite difficult to find. This stressed me out a little bit and I just had to hope they found us, which they did, about ten minutes later.

Mum had brought loads of lovely clothes with her and there was just no way we could fit them all on our table so they asked the woman in charge if they could have a table of their own. About four people hadn't turned up so just before 10am they were able to bring all their stuff in and start selling!

Unfortunately, we didn't do very well and we certainly didn't sell as much stuff as I wanted. The area we were in wasn't very affluent so the crystal I had to sell would never have gone, but we did sell our portable DVD player, some DVDs and a few cuddly toys. My Mum even bought some nail varnishes that we had on display! We reckoned we sold enough for two cocktails at The Top of The Mark in San Francisco, but I think it's back to ebay for us if we want to carry on generating some "fun" money for our trip!

I had thought the sale was on until 2pm but when people started packing away at 11.30am I realised I'd made a mistake! We carted most of our stuff back out to the car, said goodbye to my parents and drove home for some lunch.

As a treat Sophie and I went to Beckworth in the afternoon and had a cup of tea and a slice of cake. It was busy but it was lovely to sit and have a chat about our day with the delicious gooey cakes! I resisted the temptation to buy loads of pansies for the garden and we headed home to relax. At Beckworth I'd bought some raspberries and lemons as I'd found a cocktail online using the vodka Keith had bought me. I mixed up one each for Sophie and I before dinner which was lovely, and which I've christened The Sophie Jane!

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