Friday 22 June 2018

Worry, worry!

Needless to say I didn't sleep that well last night, worrying about the job and wondering whether it's really right for me. At the moment I'm earning more by working part-time!

Unfortunately, for me, Sara is now off as her daughter is getting married but she seemed genuinely sorry to see me go, so she might let me withdraw my notice! However, I'm not going to stay on at the school as Lisa has a new job to go to in September and doing two jobs has become harder to do lately. I hate the rushing around at 2pm!

Work was quiet with phone calls, but I had plenty to do for Sheila so the morning passed very pleasantly. It helped that there were only four of us in the office so it was very quiet! As soon as I got home I checked my emails and discovered that there is no staff parking at the court, all that happens is you get put on a reserve list for a space, and as a new starter I could guarantee I'd be way down on the list! I even looked at getting the bus but I would have to leave at 7.30am and not get home until 7pm! And that would cost over £11 a day! I spoke to Keith who agreed that it wouldn't be economical for me to take the job as it would cost me £40 a week to park or £108 a month to buy a permit!

At school we had five Reception year boys and one slightly older girl, so it seemed a long session! We stayed indoors at first as it was quite warm but the children wanted to go out and play so we took them into the playground so they could run about like mad things!

Sophie came home half an hour after me and we sat and enjoyed a glass of wine before dinner. Thanks heavens it's Saturday tomorrow!

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