Monday 18 June 2018

Monday again!

It's amazing how quickly Mondays come around again! There were three of us working today - Mike, Sophie and me - so poor Keith had to do some ferrying about! I drove myself to work and had a fairly busy morning so at least the time went by very quickly. I formally gave my notice in to Sara who is still upset that I'm leaving but said she will put me on a casual contract in case I fancy doing some extra hours!

After work I returned home to an empty house as Keith was out picking up Mike from work. They appeared in the distance as I was leaving for school so tomorrow I'm going to go and get Dad's car as Sophie will be driving herself to work and I can't wait until Keith gets home at almost 3pm to leave for the school.

We only had three children in the after-school club so it was a very quiet session. We could have gone to the park but we hadn't had a consent form back from one little girl's mum so we had to stay in the playground. Hopefully, next week, we'll be able to go as a treat. The weather today has been a bit hit and miss, with cloudy skies, sunny spells and a brisk wind.

We finished well before 6pm and I sped off to get Sophie from work. On our return home I discovered Keith had bought me a bottle of Elderflower Gin from Tesco. Not Warner Edwards, but it was just as good!

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