Tuesday 19 June 2018

Mundane chores...

Sophie drove herself to work and Keith and I followed soon after as we had to go to the Weston Favell Centre, to go to the bank and Tesco. I visited the international foods aisle but it wasn't the same without my daughter with me!

When we finished we drove over to Mum and Dad's and after having a coffee with them, I drove Dad's car home as I needed transport to get me to work in the afternoon. I suppose I could have walked but it's quite warm again even though we've had a fair amount of cloud today. I also cleaned the downstairs of the house before starting work and I sweated buckets! Ugh! It needed doing though and I was really pleased when I'd finished and the rooms looked a lot cleaner, with no cobwebs about!

Sophie popped in to see me at the after-school club on her way home from work which was a lovely surprise and she met the children we look after. They quizzed her on what the school had been like when she was there so she chatted away about her time while two of the girls messed about with Lisa's and my hair!

After school it was home to relax and play cards in the conservatory. Sophie has an interview with British Airlines in a couple of weeks and as it's at 7.30am in the morning, we booked a hotel room overnight beforehand as a treat!

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