Saturday 16 June 2018

Sunny Saturday

Keith and I went to get the papers this morning and dropped one into Mum and Dad before returning home. They seemed a bit subdued today and I think that staying in the house all the time has definitely had an effect on them. Hopefully, when we go out tomorrow they'll feel better.

At home I sorted out the laundry as today has been a perfect drying day with plenty of sunshine and a lovely breeze. I prepared tonight's dinner of Coq au Vin and caught up with various jobs that needed doing.

Mike graced us with his presence mid-morning and after making a mess in the kitchen and having a shower, off he went again, after relieving me of £25 which I lent him until he gets paid! He also seems a lot happier so maybe this job is doing him good! Let's keep everything crossed!

After doing some frustrating work on my family tree I went and had a lovely bath and awaited Sophie's return from work. She arrived home at about 6.30pm after having a busy day and was more than ready for a cold Brahma. I enjoyed a G&T before finishing off the dinner. Mike was staying out again so there was only the three of us eating.

Sophie and I watched a film while Keith went to watch the golf upstairs. At the moment he's in heaven as there's cricket on, the World Cup, rugby and golf!

We did a time-lapse video of the evening skies. It was a gorgeous evening!

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