Wednesday 27 June 2018

Decisions, decisions!

As Sophie has an interview with BA next week for Cabin Crew, we went to see a friend of mine who works on their long haul flights, and has been an employee with them for over twenty years. She lives on our estate so we walked over at 10am and had a cup of tea and a chat.

She was very honest about the company and what Sophie should expect when she goes for her interview and she gave us a lot of very good advice. We were there for about an hour and when we got home Keith was ready to go out as we needed petrol for Sophie's car.

We went over to Kettering and visited Next, where Sophie picked up a blouse and some jewellery, and B&M where I bought yet more bird food. It's been another warm and sunny day and as we were leaving my Mum phoned and asked if we could go over and help them with their garden furniture as they wanted to put it on their decking so they could sit and enjoy the beautiful weather.

After we'd helped them put out their sofa and chairs we went home for lunch and Sophie decided to wash her dusty little car. Although the weather's great it has made everything so dry and I'd love to see a good downpour of rain to clean our conservatory roof!

We had sixteen children at the After-School Club this afternoon so it was a much better session. All the children played outside really well. On the way home I came across Keith and Sophie who had walked down to meet me and we returned to relax and have our "picnic" dinner which was lovely!

After dinner we had a chat about the BA interview and Sophie decided that if she did get the job she would find it hard to commute down to Heathrow and the six weeks of training was a bit daunting, seeing as she'd just spent three years studying. She decided to withdraw her application, which was a relief to me, to be honest! The thought of her driving back and forth to Heathrow was a bit worrying!

Keith wanted to watch the football and cricket after dinner so Sophie and I retired upstairs with Monty to see 90 Day Fiance. It was lovely and cool in our bedroom and made a good end to a busy day!

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