Sunday 3 June 2018

A cinema treat!

First thing this morning, Keith and I went over to Tesco at Kettering and bought the Sunday papers to take around to Mum and Dad's. I also put some more diesel in my car. I've noticed the prices have shot up again so now £40 gets me just over half a tank. Grrr!

Mum and Dad seemed much brighter and happier this morning so we sat and enjoyed a cup of coffee with them before dashing home, as Mike had an interview at a local Golf Club at 11am where he was going for the job of greens keeper...hmmm! He's never really shown any interest at all in outdoor work but we're humouring him as he needs to get a job again. I think his bank balance is at 10p! Not really ideal for him as he enjoys going out with his mates!

We drove him over and managed to get into the grounds and after a bit of blundering about, Mike found the clubhouse and the man he was supposed to be seeing. Keith and I sat in the car and read the papers and after about 20 minutes our son emerged. He has to go back next Wednesday to see another man but the hours are from 6am, which means he would need to leave home at 5.30am! I will not be taking him! As he finds it difficult getting up mid-morning at the moment, I dread to think what he'll be like getting up that early!

We returned home and at midday Sophie and I drove into town as she'd booked cinema tickets to go and see The Shining at the Errol Flynn cinema. We parked in the car park by the theatre and walked the short distance to Pizza Express where we enjoyed lunch of dough balls and dips followed by pizza. The weather today has been beautiful and we had a real "Florida" sky today with big white clouds that could have turned into a storm.

Both of us were really looking forward to seeing the film again, but on the big screen this time! It was well attended and almost full which was great. I've always enjoyed The Shining and think that all the actors are tremendous in it, but Jack Nicholson is really superb. It was strange afterwards to emerge into a British summer's day after seeing all the snow!

We sped home and after watching A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun (featuring Grand Bahama) prepared tonight's dinner of sweet and sour chicken, from scratch, of course! Sophie had cut up all the peppers and onion earlier and had made the base for the sauce with vinegar, soy sauce, tomato ketchup and pineapple juice. I cut up the chicken and the pineapple and after frying the vegetables we added the meat and then coated everything with the sauce. We also made egg fried rice with onions and peas and the meal was delicious. We'll never buy a jar again!

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