Monday 11 June 2018

A hectic day!

Keith and Mike were up at 5am this morning and I heard Keith return before falling asleep again, having a weird dream just before I woke up of being in a maths class at school!

As ET was due in the garage this morning, I drove to work with Sophie so she could then take the car into town, followed by Keith in my car. I had a fairly busy morning at work, but the phones were down for a good while as they were playing up. Even when they came back on they were still not right and it made it very difficult talking to the customers, especially when they were paying for a class over the phone!

For some reason I'd forgotten that Keith needed to pick me up but that also Mike was finishing at 2pm as well! Sophie and Keith collected me and we sped over to the golf club to find Mike ready to go home. He was all sweaty, had sunburned shoulders and looked exhausted. He wasn't that keen on the job and said it had been hard work! Why he wants to do it is beyond me!

I arrived home ten minutes before I was due to leave again so I just had time to get changed before Keith dropped me off at the school. As it's been a glorious day today we spent the whole session in the playground and one of the little girls drew me a picture of a sun. I think she's taken a shine to me as when her Mum arrived to take her home she ran and hid from her!

It has been hot today, though, with temperatures of about 25c, so towards the end of the session we took the children into the shade and played basketball with them. We had three siblings who don't normally attend and they were picked up on the dot of 6pm!

Keith and Sophie had come to collect me and we walked down to the pub car park. When we arrived home I was delighted with how good ET's bumper looked, so that was great. My car has also been booked in for early July.

Keith and I played cards in the conservatory and I sipped a delicious Gin and Tonic. Have I been converted?!

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