Thursday 4 August 2016

The braces come off!

Today didn't get off to a very good start as last night Mike drank the rest of the milk so there was none this morning for Keith's tea or my coffee! I was furious! To make it worse when I had a go at Mike about it, he laughed! I don't think he realises just how much I need coffee in the morning!

He had an appointment at 9am to have his braces removed by the Orthodontist and as Sophie was working later in the morning we all went. Keith took Mike while Sophie and I went to Costa so I could feed my addiction! I was still in a foul mood and the woman serving in Costa looked very grumpy as well. I very nearly said to her that a smile wouldn't go amiss, but I thought I'd already upset enough people for one morning!

I ordered a medium Latte which wasn't the best I'd ever had as it tasted very sweet...I also had a lemon muffin and took some painkillers for a headache I had so by the time we re-joined Keith and Mike I was feeling a bit more human!

We gave in to their pleading and took them to McDonald's for breakfast and then it was time for Sophie to start work. Mike wanted to go to Brixworth so we dropped him off and returned home to do the shopping list before trekking off to Tesco and Aldi.

I would rather have stayed at home as I wanted to tackle the messy floors and driveway but Keith wanted me to go with him as we needed some unusual ingredients, so I gave in. We did all the shopping and got home with enough time for lunch and a quick hoover before it was out again to collect Sophie.

She wanted to go to Jones's and I didn't think I needed much until we got there! I bought a new insulated lunch box to keep some food in for when I'm gardening and a flask for some tea! I then treated myself to a weeding tool on a long handle that should make that particular job a bit easier. With fat snax for the birds, an outdoor candle for Saturday night (we're barbecuing and it's supposed to be a lovely day) and a new duvet that I couldn't resist, I spent far more than I'd intended!

Back home I carried on with some cleaning and we went to collect Mike from Brixworth at 6pm. It had started to rain very heavily and he was soaked, poor thing! We spent a very pleasant evening playing cards and eating Toad in the Hole which we hadn't had for ages!

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