Tuesday 2 August 2016

End of an era

Today has been horrible and it's rained all day. I suppose the gardens do need a good soaking, so I shouldn't complain!

Keith and I took Sophie to work and called to see Mum who was having a couple of issues with her computer. We renewed her anti-virus subscription for her and then it was home to do some studying for both the Citizen's Advice Bureau and my counselling course which I'm really behind with. Mike went off to Brixworth and before we knew it, it was time to collect Sophie from work. She was going out in the evening with some of her uni friends who had moved into their own student house. The pub they were going to was just around the corner from both their house and the university and Sophie was really looking forward to catching up with their news.

Keith left at the same time as we did and went to collect Mike from Brixworth. It was a gloomy, wet evening and the rain had continued all day. I took Sophie into town, came back and then drove Mike to his last ever Army Cadet session. As most of his friends are leaving he wanted to stop going as well, which is a real shame. He took his uniform in a big bag so he didn't even wear it again for one last time! It's the end of an era.

Keith and I had a very quiet evening without the kids! We ate cottage pie, our default meal whenever Sophie is out, and then watched an episode of The Glades. At 9pm we were back out again to collect Sophie and there was something going on over Moulton as the police helicopter was hovering overhead and there were three police cars parked on the road out of the village. Whatever it was, by the time we made the return journey to pick up Mike, they had all gone!

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