Tuesday 16 August 2016

A little spending spree...

After we dropped Sophie off at work this morning, Keith went for a walk and I headed off to Brixworth to send a parcel and buy some cream as I'm making a chocolate Bread and Butter pudding this evening. I've been promising Sophie I'd make it for ages and now I've run out of excuses!

Once back home I had a good sort out of my hand bag and removed my own weight in receipts and useless bits of paper. It felt good to have a clear out and shred them all ready for the recycling collection tomorrow!

After Keith came home and had showered we had a lunch of Sunday evening (and Monday picnic) leftovers and then drove over to Tesco to buy some chicken, which we almost forgot and which was vital for the evening meal tomorrow! On the way home we picked up my mum and after dropping Keith off went to collect Sophie from work before heading to Next on Riverside for a cup of tea. The voucher that Mum and Dad had given me was burning a hole in my pocket and I was eager to go and get some stuff for the en-suite.

I picked out a new towel holder, a shiny grey container for the toothbrush and toothpaste and a chrome tidy for the shampoo and conditioner. I had to buy one with suction cups as there is no way Keith wants to drill into the shower splash panel - not after the workmen broke the first one! I also picked out a really soft and cuddly bath mat so we're getting there. I now just need a new mirror, a waste bin and a laundry bin but will look at Ikea for them, hopefully next week.

It was very warm when we emerged from Next and went back to the car. Tomorrow is supposed to be even warmer, which is typical as I'll be at the Citizen's Advice Bureau for most of the day! We dropped Mum off at home and then made our way home but got stuck behind two enormous tractors carrying bales of hay. They seem to be everywhere at the moment and are no doubt trying to get the hay cut and in before the weather changes on Friday.

Keith and I took Sophie to her friend's house in the evening and then we dashed home to eat dinner as Keith and Mike were going to see Sileby Rangers play. I was anticipating a lovely time to myself but after they'd gone and I'd made the Bread and Butter pudding I found I didn't really like being by myself in the evening...I missed my family! Luckily, by 10pm they were all home and it was great to catch up with what they'd been doing!

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