Thursday 25 August 2016

Exam results

Today, after dropping Sophie off at work, we went to school to collect Mike's exam results. He was really hoping he would do well enough to get into 6th Form but unfortunately he didn't get the grades he needed.

We saw one of the Careers Advisors and then went up to the very hot library to see Mr Jones who is the Headteacher. As soon as we sat down (after waiting for about an hour) it became clear that Mike wasn't going to be staying on as he wanted to.

We went and saw the Careers woman again and she ran through the options that Mike has. He can go to another 6th Form - Weston Favell school would accept his grades which was weird as that was where I went 32 years ago! Or he could enrol at the college and do his A levels there. He was extremely disappointed and so were Keith and I. It would have been lovely for him to follow in Sophie's footsteps and now we have the added hassle of getting him to college and Sophie to uni and both institutions are in different directions!

We'd been at the school since 10.30am and it was now almost 1pm so we drove home and after dropping Mike off, Keith and I went to see my parents, as my Aunt Joyce was dropping in on her way down to Kent to see her father. My Mum and Dad had laid on a little buffet so we were able to sit and commiserate with them and talk about what Mike was going to do next.

My Aunt arrived and we had a good chat - the last time I saw her was at Jonathan's wedding in May so it was great to catch up with her news. We couldn't stay too long, though, as we had to go and get some essential shopping and Mike was itching to get out to see his friends and either commiserate with them or celebrate!

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