Sunday 7 August 2016

Sunny Sunday!

It's been a truly gorgeous day today with warm, dry and sunny weather. Poor Sophie had to go to work and I had a feeling they would be very quiet! Keith took Mike to Brixworth while I showered as I'd persuaded him to take me for a drink at the pub at lunchtime!

We sat in the garden initially and listened to the quiet clucking of the chickens, a sound I always find very soothing! They were gathered under the shade of a tree as it was very warm. We had one drink there and then retreated inside to sit at our usual seat at the window and we were surprised to find the pub almost empty. Perhaps it was too hot for a Sunday roast!

Later in the afternoon I took my Mum to Beckworth and she treated me to a scone and a cup of tea. Even Beckworth was quiet...perhaps a lot of people have gone off on holiday? We mooched about having a look at the plants and I treated myself to a pair of gardening gloves and a plant to replace one I threw away. It was very pretty with spiky purple flowers and loves a location in full sun so it should do well on the sunny garage wall.

Back home I just had time to water the garden before it was time to collect Sophie from work. She was in a bit of a bad mood as she was hot and felt as if she'd wasted a day being at work. She wasn't happy that Keith and I had gone to the pub and that I'd been out with Mum...maybe a glass of two of wine will put her in a better mood!

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