Saturday 9 April 2016

My little companion

It's been a day of changeable weather today with blue skies and sunshine in the morning and grey skies and rain in the afternoon.

Apart from taking Mike to Heather's house I didn't go anywhere and pottered about the house all day, which was lovely. I went out into the front garden to mow the verge and chatted to Sue who invited me to see their new kitchen flooring and gave me two potted shrubs. Their garden resembles a World War I battlefield as they are having the ground raised for a terrace so it was in a bit of a state! I also saw Paul who was walking the dogs and while we were chatting the little robin was hopping about very close to us and looking for worms in the over-turned soil. He showed no fear at all, bless him!

Keith went off to the football in the afternoon and I settled down to watch an episode of Thicker Than Water in peace and quiet. Sophie phoned me and we spoke for ages on Messenger and she sounded a little low as it had been really busy in Rome all day and she was tired of the crowds. She was also shattered from all the walking and I have a feeling that she will be looking forward to coming home!

After a delicious curry for dinner Keith and I watched the last two episodes of The Night Manager which has been brilliant, and thankfully had a very satisfying ending!

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