Wednesday 13 April 2016

Catching up...

On the school run this morning Keith and I noticed, to our dismay, that my windscreen had a long crack running from the edge towards the it happened we don't know!

I dropped Keith off at Pitsford and went home to call my insurance company. Luckily the excess is only £60! While Keith was off walking I caught up with several jobs and Sophie woke up at 10am. She had her student finance to sort out so we did that and numerous other jobs that needed to be done and which had been left over the last few weeks.

It's been a beautiful day today with lots of sunshine and blue skies. We managed to sit out in the garden for a while in the afternoon and soak up some Vitamin D. I've made it my mission to sit out whenever I can when the sun is shining to absorb this precious vitamin!

As well as sitting in the garden I washed my car in the afternoon as it has to go in tomorrow to get the brakes seen to. For some time now there's a terrible shuddering whenever I brake and I think it needs attention!

We picked Mike up from Heather's house at 6pm and drove home in time for cocktails...yum!

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