Friday 8 April 2016

A somewhat stressful day...

Every morning we have been checking the traps in the garden but all we have caught have been small rats. I heard this happens as the bigger, older ones let the smaller ones have a go at the peanut butter first!

I heard from Sophie last night and she sounded like she was having a great time, and loved the hotel they were staying at. It's so good to be able to contact her easily via Messenger!

First thing, Keith and I went and did the shopping and we had a bit of a stressful time of it. Our checkout man spent a fair while chatting to a customer who he obviously knew, and when it was our time to put our shopping through, he virtually hurled it down the conveyor belt at us. I was very close to having a go at him and telling him to SLOW DOWN! It's so frustrating having everything thrown down as we try and keep up and we end up slinging it all in bags where it gets squashed! To make matters worse, when we put the shopping in my car, the trolley rolled and hit the front bumper leaving a series of scratches that really annoyed me...

Luckily things were calmer in Tesco and we were able to get the rest of the things we needed in a much more dignified manner. As we drove out, my phone rang and it was Mike demanding we get home as quickly as possible as Sophie had asked him to book tickets for a band called Catfish and The Bottle Men who were appearing at Northampton's Derngate in May.

As soon as I walked through the door Mike asked me to help and when I logged onto the theatre website it warned that customers were only allowed two tickets each which was a pain as Mike wanted to take Heather as well. Obtaining tickets turned out to be fruitless, though, as most of the seats had already been booked and there was only the odd single seat left. Mike was really dejected and I called Sophie to tell her but there was nothing we could do. For a band I'd never even heard of I was most surprised!

After that, and just as I was just relaxing with a cup of coffee, the phone rang and it was my mum to say they couldn't get onto the internet any more... I groaned and said that I would be over to see if I could do anything but I was going to finish my coffee first!

To cut a long story short I spent another hour trying to get them back onto the internet but nothing I did worked, even though I turned everything on and off, put the router in the socket downstairs and manually tried to configure the TV. The weird thing was that I could access the internet on my phone using their router?

I had to leave at 1pm as we were expecting a B&Q man to come out and have another look at our en-suite bathroom. I wanted to give the room a quick clean before he came! I said to Mum and Dad that they needed to get in touch with the company that supplied the router and looks after the phone line  as I had exhausted all my options!

Back home I whizzed about and tidied up and then relaxed in the conservatory. Just before 4pm both Keith and I heard a loud bang that sounded like someone had hit the house. I went running to the front room but there was nothing wrong and after a quick inspection upstairs, everything looked fine.

Pretty soon, though, reports started coming in from people all over Northamptonshire who had heard the boom and wondered what on earth it was! It turned out to be two RAF jets flying over us who had created a sonic boom!

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