Sunday 1 March 2015

Just pottering...

As we didn't have to go to Booker this morning it gave Sophie a chance to drive into work. Unfortunately, as is always the way when driving on country roads, we came across numerous cyclists, a pair of horses and parked cars on her side of the road in Moulton which meant she had to stop (with an idiot too close behind her) and which completely unnerved her.

She clearly didn't feel confident this morning and Keith and I have decided that we're going to change her driving instructor as we think that by now she should have more confidence in her driving. There have been a couple of things Sophie's said about her instructor that have worried me - such as not pressing the accelerator when she moves away...huh? - which led her to stall Jim numerous times before she got the hang of driving the very quiet Honda. She stalked off into work after her drive in a very bad mood, and I felt terrible for her.

Keith and I called in to see Mum on the way home for a cup of coffee and we chatted about the bungalows we looked at yesterday. I still can't believe they're asking £285,000 for such small houses and Mum said that they were going to look at some other show homes this afternoon. If they go again, after today, I'm tempted to go with them, to get some ideas for my own home!

Back at home I tackled the kitchen and cleaned out the cupboards, throwing out jars and packets that were past their sell by date and arranging everything more neatly so a) we could see what we actually had in the cupboard and b) preventing things from falling out on top of us when we opened the door!

I gave the downstairs of the house a good clean while outside the weather changed from dry and sunny to grey and rainy. No getting out into the garden today then!

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