Saturday 28 March 2015

Being nosy!

I never go food shopping with Keith but this morning I fancied accompanying him as it was a grey and rainy morning and I did feel a bit bad that he had to go on his own. Normally he goes on Friday morning but of course we were away yesterday!

I managed not to annoy him by wandering off or putting stuff in the trolley that we didn't need and very soon we were all done and heading home. I did think the children would still be in bed but Sophie was up and keen for some breakfast! I cooked a bacon sandwich for her and sausage sandwiches for Mikey, Keith and me. Mike then went off to Brixworth to see his friends (one girl in particular, I think!).

In the afternoon we met Mum and Dad at a house on our estate which has been up for sale for ages. They were hoping that the people selling it would move a bit on price but after talking to the estate agent he seemed to think they wanted over the asking price. Sadly, I certainly didn't think the house was worth the price they wanted as it was badly in need of a clean, wanted decorating throughout and the outside desperately needed some love and attention. It made me realise what a good deal we had on our house when we bought it as we have two bedrooms with big fitted wardrobes and this house had just the one small cupboard in the master bedroom. If it had been me moving in I would also have wanted to put down new carpets as well as they were certainly past their best!

It made me quite sad to see the house in that state as the owners have obviously neglected it. It's probably the reason why it's been languishing on the market for so long as it just wouldn't compete with the brand new houses being built nearby at the moment.

Mum and Dad came in for a cup of tea after viewing the house and we had a good chat about it. They're going to put an offer in, but for a lower price!

The rest of the day was spent doing very little and before going to pick Mikey up I prepared all the dinner to give Keith a break from cooking. After dinner we caught up with the latest episode of Fortitude and we're nearing the end of the series. I hope there's going to be a good ending!

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