Tuesday 31 March 2015

A somewhat challenging day...

I was awake in the night at 2.30am and looked out of the window to see our tall Eucalyptus tree almost bent in half in the wind...I got back into bed praying that it would stay upright and not fall on us!

This morning, though, we awoke to blue skies and white fluffy clouds scudding across the sky. Yesterday, sadly, Archie had managed to get hold of a female blackbird in the garden and had torn all her back feathers out. Last night we'd tried to catch her to keep her safe but she'd scuttled into a bush and had hidden from us. This morning I looked out to see her eating some seed I'd put down so she seems to be OK, but I'm sad that she's unable to fly away.

We had the cleaning to do this morning and it was hard work. I finished at 9am and Keith brought Mikey in as he had an Orthodontist appointment at 10am. It was at a surgery we'd never been to before so I offered to drive in case Keith couldn't find anywhere to park. We found it easily (thanks Google maps!) and luckily there was a few spaces. Rather than sit in the waiting room with them, I stayed in the car and twenty minutes later Keith came out to say he hadn't even been seen yet...

After half an hour of waiting they both came out to say that the Orthodontist was delayed and they could either wait longer or make another appointment. I was furious because by now I'd wasted an hour of my time and Mike still hadn't been seen.

We drove back to work and Keith and I immediately left again - me to go to the bank while he went to the dentist surgery to sort out another appointment. We arranged to meet at the bank to then pop up to Tesco and after I'd done all I needed to do I stood and waited...and waited.

Thinking he'd been to the bank and seen that I wasn't there, therefore deciding to go to Tesco on his own, I started to get mad, but then I saw him coming and there was literally steam coming out of his ears! He'd had to wait ages in the dentist surgery and then the staff had seemed really confused by what had happened this morning! At last he was able to make an appointment for the end of May (!) but he was hopping mad at the length of time it took to do such a simple thing!

We dashed around Tesco buying food for the next two nights and then it was back to work and all the noise and chaos that my work brings! We were busier than yesterday and the car park was half-full already. Keith departed with Mike in tow and I happened to say to Mum that the lady I'd seen in the bank had taken our wallet of takings and had left it on a chair behind her...She'd stamped the paying-in book but I wanted to check the statement anyway. It was then that I noticed that our credit card transactions were much less than they should have been... Going back on the statements I realised with a sense of doom that not one payment had gone into our account from the new terminal I'd installed two weeks ago...

Feeling very panicky now, I called the helpline to be eventually told that the payments were going into a completely different bank account, but then the penny dropped...they were being paid into our new buyer's account!

Dad called our contact who said that a terminal meant for them (when they took over) had been sent to us and as it had our name on it, I'd mistakenly thought it was a new upgrade for us... Why they hadn't thought to tell us I have no idea.

We eventually got things sorted out and I'm just glad we have a good relationship with our buyers and also glad that I'd spotted the mistake before more time had passed!

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