Wednesday 1 April 2015

I am just a "gofer"...

Today has been hectic and all I feel I've done is go and get things for people or drive my son about...

Mum and Dad took today off so Keith came into work with me, but spent the whole morning sorting out one of our toilets with Ian. It meant that when our large Booker order arrived he was otherwise engaged so I had to help the driver offload it all and put it away. Who needs the gym when you have heavy frozen chip boxes and drums of oil to cart about?

Just as I'd finished Michael called and asked when Keith was coming home to take him to Brixworth... I growled down the phone that I would drive him and sped off to get him. While I was at home Sophie called to ask me to pick up some kidney beans on the way back to I said I'm just a gofer!

When things had quietened down a little in the afternoon Keith and I went to Tesco as I had to buy Sophie's birthday presents and a card from Mike. She loves Honey Bourbon and had also said that she'd never tasted Champagne so I bought her a bottle of each - the Bourbon from Mike as a gift and the Champagne as a joint birthday and Easter present rather than an egg.

We then went off to get some stuff from our cleaning materials supplier and just as we were on our way to Jones's to get yet more things for work, my phone rang and it was Mikey wanting to be picked up...

Keith went off to get him while Sophie and I went to Jones's and then thankfully home. We had been planning to go to the gym but we decided to give it a miss as Keith had promised to take us for a drink after we'd dropped Mikey off (again) as his friend's house. He was going on a "Camp Out" and would be sleeping in a tent all night! Rather him than me!

We went to the pub in Old and spent a very pleasant hour and a half chatting over drinks. We'd put some potatoes in the oven to bake and unfortunately our dinner was a bit of a disaster as they were tasteless and horrible. Mine was rotten in the middle so I just gave up and put it down to experience!

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