Sunday 11 May 2014

Wild May

This morning, after dropping Sophie off at work, Keith, Mikey and I drove over to where Mum and Dad's caravan is stored to take the weather-cover off. Mum and Dad have made the decision to sell their caravan as they're just not using it as much as they hoped so we went over to help them get it ready to be picked up by the company who have agreed to buy it.

It was a horrible day - wet, windy and cold - so not the ideal conditions to do what we'd planned! However, getting the cover off was a lot easier than putting it on and after having a quick coffee and a biscuit we returned home.

The rest of the day (up until 4pm anyway) was spent doing the housework which I just couldn't leave any longer. It felt great when I'd finished though, as the house gleamed. I wonder how long it will stay like that!

After collecting Sophie from work, we spent a very pleasant couple of hours sipping white wine and watching Desperate Housewives which we've become addicted to!

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