Tuesday 27 May 2014

Grey, miserable and damp...and the weather wasn't much better!

I awoke from strange dreams about getting on buses and taking part in a car rally with a heavy heart this morning and saw that the weather was exactly the same as yesterday! My lovely daughter woke me up as she came into our room to use our en-suite shower - I'd asked her to help us this morning because we had the cleaning to do first thing...does it get any better than that?

We sloshed our way into work and started the cleaning before Mum and Dad arrived. The only good thing was that the crows were waiting for us and eagerly gobbled up the offerings from the weekend, including a couple of rejected sausages from last night's non-barbecue. They looked drenched as well, poor things, and kept constantly trying to shake the rain off their feathers!

Predictably, we were busy but I did manage to escape for most of the morning by going to Booker with Keith and Mikey and then popping over to the bank and into Tesco...not sure what was worse, staying at work with all the noise or experiencing the crowds in the supermarket!

By 4pm we'd had enough and we sloshed our way back home. The rain has been unrelenting all day with more forecast tomorrow... The weather didn't stop me from planting up my geraniums though, even though I became thoroughly wet and muddy while I was doing it! A long soak in the bath afterwards made me feel much better!

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