Thursday 29 May 2014

From winter to summer.

Ironically enough, we were busier this morning than we've been all week, yet today has been the best weather!

It's been a morning of good and bad news at work, so emotions were running a little high. Mum and Dad came in and they were staggered by how busy we were yesterday and how busy we were first thing. Our cook, Maureen, is off work sick at the moment which has been a blow this week and has made things a little difficult! I just hope she makes a return next Tuesday as Mum and Dad are off for a break and I really don't fancy manning Reception all day!

As the day went on, the weather improved and by the afternoon we'd made a return to summer as the temperatures hovered around 20c and the sun came out. I had both children in with me and I have to say Mikey looked a bit bored as he lolled against the dishwasher in the kitchen. I know he would far rather be at home but at least he was earning some pennies!

Back at home there's still no sign of Monty and we're all worried as it's so unlike him to wander off. Sophie is quite upset and both of us hate not knowing what's happened to him. He could be annoying at times, especially as he sprayed in the house and hated being picked up and cuddled, but we still miss him.

As we were home early from work I busied myself with hoovering my car out as the inside resembled a field. Not only that, but there were empty crisp packets and bottles of half drunk water all over the place so it felt good to have a clear out. I left the outside of the car as I have a feeling we may have more rain overnight!

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