Wednesday 1 May 2013

Getting dirty!

Sophie disappeared off to her friend's house tonight so rather than go to the gym on my own, on such a glorious day, I went home and worked in the garden for two hours. Keith cut down one of our shrubs that was a casualty of the winter snow while I weeded the borders and then cut the lawn. I pottered about, enjoying the sunshine and was really pleased with how the garden looked after we finished. We even sat outside with Monty for a short while and soaked up the sun. Bliss!

Dinner was just the two of us as Mikey wasn't happy with our choice (which was actually Sophie's choice!) so he had a toastie...once there were four, then there were three and now it's only two!

At 9pm I received a call from Sophie asking if I could pick her up at 10pm from her friend's house as she was having such a great time...I am definitely going to put a taxi sign on my car!

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