Thursday 9 May 2013

Return of the rain

Wednesday 8 May

Well, the weather broke today with grey skies and rain and much cooler temperatures. I knew it wouldn't last!

Today has been uneventful so not much to say at all! It was the usual routine - Keith and I in at work, a visit to the gym with Sophie (who didn't do a lot!) and then home for dinner, which was a hot chicken curry. I wish there was more to say but some (most!) days are like this and then it's quite hard to write this blog!

Thursday 9 May

Mum and I went down to Kent today to see Nan who is really ill. We both had a shock when we saw her in bed in a private room off the ward. I became very upset as it really looked as if she didn't have much time left with us at all and it was horrible to see her look so poorly. However, she did perk up a little bit and ate some food while we were there, which was a good sign.

The doctor came to see us and took us to one of the offices to have a chat about what was happening. The blunt truth is that she isn't going to get better as her heart is failing and her kidneys have stopped working. All they can do is make her comfortable and transfer her to a hospice. Both Mum and I knew that this was the case but it was still sad to hear the words from the doctor, who was very understanding. He said, that at 93, she was still very alert and strong so she could go on for a while yet, but to be honest, neither of us want to see her suffer unduly so we hope that the end comes soon. I can't bear to see her like this and only want to remember her how she was - immaculately turned out and always on the go.

We had a slow journey home and then I have to admit I had a couple of very large vodka and tonics!

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