Monday 27 May 2013

Perfect Bank Holiday!

Today has been beautiful, and perfect laundry weather! I know I'm a bit sad in this, but I do love to see clean washing hanging on a line and drying in the breeze! It smells so much better than laundry dried in a tumble dryer. I changed all of our beds today and dried the lot in the garden, warmed by the breeze and the gorgeous sunshine!

Sophie went off to London today with her friend by train while Keith and I met Mum and Dad at work to take all of Nan's belongings into the Heart Foundation charity shop in town. On the way home we called into a pub I've wanted to visit for ages - The Olde England - which unusually for us is a town pub. This time, I wasn't disappointed and The Olde England lived up to all my expectations! It's pretty strange in that there is no bar as such, just a cubby hole where you order your drink (they do 12 real ales!). They don't serve lager or alcopops just beers, ciders, fruit wines and soft drinks.

We took our drinks to the room overlooking the park and I was very impressed with how clean it was. There were wooden tables with strange carved chairs, boar's heads on the blood red walls, animal skins, huge church candles and a log fire. I should think it's wonderful in winter when it must be very cosy indeed. We sat and had an exceedingly pleasant hour chatting and enjoying our beer (I had a half) which comes straight from the barrel.

At home it was back to the household chores and then a long wait for Sophie to come home. I'd asked her not to get a very late train home but she ended up on the 10pm one and I was very glad she was with a group of friends!

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