Wednesday 9 May 2012

A long day...

Keith and I were up at 6am this morning and on the way to the hospital by 6.30am. I hated leaving him there and I'm sure he hated being there, too, but he has to have the operation as he's in so much pain now. The weather matched our mood - dull, grey and drizzly and I did feel horrible going back home to get ready for the day.

Mum and dad were off today so I was in on my own and we were absolutely heaving because of the rain. I helped in the kitchen for two hours, constantly washing up, clearing tables and serving and by 2pm I was shattered. I hadn't slept very well the night before and with the early start I was bushed!

At 3.30pm I headed home and thought about Keith having his operation. He'd called me and said he was going down to theatre at 4pm and was having an epidural which was a big relief to me. I phoned the ward at 5.30pm and asked if we could visit but he wasn't back on the ward yet, so I asked the children to get ready, bundled them into the car and we drove to the hospital where I phoned again at 6pm. Luckily, he was back, feeling fine and we could see him for a few minutes.

He was extremely pale (normally he has a ruddy complexion!) as he'd lost quite a bit of blood and they were almost on the point of giving him a transfusion but he was feeling OK. We didn't stay for long as the children were really not happy being in the hospital and I think Keith wanted to rest.

As a treat, we went to Pizza Hut for dinner and had a good meal but I couldn't help feeling guilty that Keith was stuck in hospital (and very hungry) while we were stuffing ourselves with pizza. However, I know that he's in the best place and the children do have a new name for him...above his bed was the sign "Nil by Mouth" which Sophie thought was the previous occupant! So now Dad's known as Nilby to the least we can see the humour in the situation!

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