Monday 28 May 2012

End of an era!

Today has been so hot that mum and I couldn't face doing any cleaning. Dad has been away flying his model aeroplanes in Eastbourne and he came back with a very good tan! I did manage to put some plants into the pots we have in the garden at work but boy, was it hot!!

At 3.15pm I received a phone call from Sophie to say that she was walking to work and when I saw her my eyes nearly popped out as she looked like one of the St Trinian schoolgirls with long back socks on, a short black skirt and a very revealing blouse! This was covered in messages from her friends as today has been her last offical day at school! I really can't believe it, to be honest, as it seems like only yesterday I took a photo of her when she started primary school at the age of 4. Her friend Elise was with her and they were full of what had happened at school and how they now just had to go back in for exams.

We thankfully went home just after they arrived and it was heaven to go and sit in the garden, feel the gentle breeze and sip something long and alcoholic!

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