Friday 23 February 2024

Wine and gossip!

I had another busy day at work, answering all the emails and putting the films onto the system until the middle of April. Shirley also asked me lots of questions, and this seems to be a habit now, as I sit in front of her, and it's easier to ask me than to work it out herself!

At 4pm I drove home and spent an hour clearing up after the cats. The conservatory floor was covered in muddy footprints and the footstool we have in there was also covered in mud. I tidied the kitchen, and hoovered, and mopped all the hard surfaces, so by the time Sophie arrived home from work, the house was looking lovely again! It felt noticeably colder this evening and we have a couple of dry days and frost forecast. Thank heavens no more rain!

Sophie and I had a lot to gossip about tonight, and we enjoyed a glass of wine - a successor to the Aldi Pinot Gris: a Cotes de Provence white - with some nibbles. Keith had made a chicken curry and it smelt delicious. He didn't go to the pub this evening as John was away, but he kept himself to himself and didn't intrude on our Wine Night!

We decided to watch an old film from 1994, Only You, which is one of our favourites. It was a lovely end to another hectic week!

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