Friday 2 February 2024

So glad it's Friday!

I was facing a shift answering the phone today as Kathy had taken the day off, so I dealt with as many emails as I could before 10am and the onslaught began! At one point we had seven calls waiting, but thankfully, it did quieten down a bit!

Sophie had gone to work and started at 8am, the same as me, so she finished at 4pm again. We met at home and left to go to the hospital straight away. I went with her because of the difficulty parking and the dark walk to the main entrance, but if she goes over the weekend, she can drive herself and not worry about me waiting for her.

We took Sophie's little Hyundai so it was a lot easier to park and repeated our visit from yesterday. I sat and waited and finished Le Grand Meaulnes, a book I enjoyed so much at school when we read it in the original French. I'm sure it helped develop my love of France and all things French!

Sophie came out and said that Vikesh was a lot better but having trouble talking, probably due to the tube that had been down his throat. She seemed a bit calmer than yesterday and we went home to have a glass of wine and prepare dinner.

Luckily, Keith had made a chilli con carne and had set the table so we settled down for an hour with a glass of red and caught up with a couple of episodes of A New Life in the Sun. Things weren't going so well for some of the people who had moved abroad, and it was funny!

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