Monday 12 February 2024

Feeling annoyed!

Last night, Sophie felt like she was coming down with a cold, and felt rough, so she had a day off work and stayed at home. I got myself up at 6.30am and had a coffee before I left for work.

I was all alone in the office until the others came in at 10am, so it was lovely and peaceful! The phones were busy first thing as next week is the February half-term and people were booking their children onto our swim camps, which run all week.

Annoyingly, although I was helping out with calls for only a short time, I had to do a cash-up and made a mistake. Sheila, who had been in a bad mood all day, made me feel like an idiot when really, she should have explained properly what I needed to do. I went home in a foul mood myself, so not the best start to the week!

When I arrived home, Sophie was feeling a lot better and had hoovered. It was warm and cosy and lovely to walk into a neat and tidy house, so that made me a lot happier!

Much later in the evening, as we were all in bed, Sophie called me into her room as she could hear a strange noise above... it sounded like something scrabbling about! I hoped that it was a trapped bird and not a rat! We'd have to let the cats up in the loft to investigate!

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