Thursday 13 July 2023

Plagued by questions!

Work was a little stressful today and I had to answer the phone for the first forty-five minutes as Sue was undergoing a return to work interview after her two weeks' absence. I was not happy as I had so much to do, and when I did go back to my admin tasks, Shirley and Vicky kept asking me questions! I felt like I was going mad!

I feel like I'm drowning at the moment and although I did get some of the crash courses onto the system, there's still more to be done. Perhaps I can do them tomorrow!

At 2pm I sped home and relaxed, before chopping up loads of vegetables for our dinner this evening and doing some housework. It's an unofficial Wine Night this evening as Sophie is going out for a meal with Laura and Daisy on Friday.

We were going to open the bottle of The Ned Pinot Gris tonight, but we drank a Greek Chardonnay instead that Keith had bought in Aldi after seeing it advertised in You magazine. It was delicious and one we'll certainly buy again!

Dinner was lovely and, although I thought I was going to muck up at one point, it turned out very well, with enough left over for our lunches tomorrow!

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